It's been months since I've put together a Knit Graffiti piece that I'm starting to feel like a bad knitter. Between not putting up knit graffiti, and not getting tattooed in a year, I feel like a total loser. It's time to change. It's time to "Hit the needles"....
Sometimes we just need to take a break and recharge our batteries. Happy knitting.
like Morticia said
" Don't beat yourself up, Gomez, that's my job."
You guys are awesome! But I swear, I'm going to do something soon. I keep coming up with ideas but not following through! It's time for action!
oh stop whining and knit!
your audience must be missing you!
Good luck on getting back into the knitting groove.
And get a tattoo too!
Damn all that spam on here (the comments I mean).
I just wanted to encourage you to take out your needles again :)
Happy wwkip day.
Get back on the yarn bombing horse!!! Your blog is being taken over by spam comments!
We all take a break but the thing with this kind of graffiti is to keep up the habit. Take a break... and then do some work.
You'll remember how it feels once you do it again.
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